Hi, I'm Kris

Headshot image of Kris Carta
I'm a software nerd, and this is my space for exploring *everything* from tech to leadership. Have a comment? Hit me up on social media!


Weekly update: 43/2024

This week, I’ve been exploring Claude Artifacts and rediscovering the joy of LLM-driven RAD (post to come), deliberating between the 42mm (too small!) and 46mm (too large!) sizes on the new Apple Watch Series 10, learning whatever happened to Google Books, hopping back onto Ruby on Rails in great anticipation of the version 8 release, putting the Twin Peaks soundtrack on infinite repeat (fab for putting baby to sleep 👨🏻‍🍼), and marveling at Ang Lee’s underrated 2003 Hulk and the hyper-stylized direction comic book movies could have taken.

Most importantly, I decided to start posting again! I have a backlog of posts, drafts, and ideas, and should be rolling them out regularly.

I’ll also be posting weekly updates like this one, inspired by the Installer newsletter. Again, this site is for my own use primarily, and I find it’s fun to dig back into past writing and remember what I was doing at different points in time.

That said, looking forward to engaging on some intriguing topics to come! The world has become nothing if not more…interesting…in the years since I stopped writing regularly 😮